What is a Tongue Tie or Lip Tie?
A tongue tie or a lip tie occurs when the band of soft tissue that connects your tongue or lip to your mouth is too short or tight. This restricts the movement of the tongue and/or lips and can cause various motions in the mouth to be a challenge, including nursing, eating, and speech. If you have heard that your little one may suffer from a tongue or lip tie, do not worry! This is a common problem in children of all ages and is usually an easy fix. Dr. Shital Patel and the Smile Garden team are here to help! We will first schedule a consultation to assess your child’s case and then make a treatment plan from there.
What is a Frenectomy?
A frenectomy is the procedure that a licensed pediatric dentist performs to safely remove and correct the tongue or lip tie. The procedure takes place in office and is very quick (usually less than 20 seconds!). Kids usually experience minimal pressure and bleeding, and anesthesia or numbing is not required but available if needed. Babies often nurse immediately after the procedure is finished and kids will come straight to you for a quick hug. Many infant patients find that the effects are seen and felt in the first feeding! The Smile Garden team is trained with the newest technology in laser frenectomies and are experienced in working with young children.
Infant Frenectomy
If you and your newborn are experiencing any type of issues with breastfeeding or nursing, we highly suggest that you have a medical professional check for a tongue tie or lip tie. These problems are often missed at birth and could be the root of issues with successful breastfeeding in infants. Although it is not the answer in every case, a tongue or lip tie is a common cause. Our doctors and team love getting to help strengthen the beautiful bond between baby and mom!
Toddler Frenectomy
There are times that a tongue or lip tie does not become a problem until the child is a toddler or older child. Usually, this can be seen from speech difficulties or problems eating. We can treat these cases with our laser frenectomy as well. Frenectomies are not only for infants! It is very important to us that your child is safe and comfortable during the quick procedure. Most times, kids choose to watch a movie or show during the frenectomy and are then brought straight to the parent for recovery. We do have forms of sedation, if necessary, but usually the procedure is short and effective with long term success.
Questions and Concerns
If you have questions or concerns, we are here to discuss them with you! As a mother herself, Dr. Patel understands that it can be scary to think about babies or young children going through medical procedures. We provide a private room for mothers to use after the procedure for nursing/feeding and cuddling your infant after your appointment. We promise to provide the best care possible and present all options to you. Each patient is unique, and we are excited to welcome you to the Smile Garden family. Give us a call today to schedule an exam! (804) 601-3139